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Wolfmix W1 Mk2 B-Stock
W1 Mk2 B-Stock
B-Stock, Wolfmix W1 Mk2; Standalone DMX controller; no computer required; Compatible with any DMX device; Up to 4 DMX universes (2048 channels. Add-on required for U3+4)*; Up to 680 headlights; Up to 50 device types; 8 device groups; 6 projects; 15000+ available fixtures (3500+ on the controller); DMX address, order of devices and group settings; Use as a DMX splitter with DMX universe mapping; Color, Move and Beam FX module with 8 effect types each; 100 preset slots for storing snapshots with hold and fade timings; FX music pulse synchronization from microphone or line-in; FX BPM sync with Ableton Link, OS2L or BPM TAP; Effect Speed, Phase, Order, Size, Fade, Fan & Flick; Live control of the Move-FX registration point; Global FX speed and freeze control; Map DMX IN with group dimmer and patch on output channels (add-on required)*; WLINK – Sync with another Wolfmix controller (add-on required); MIDI controller and USB stick interface; DMX channel tester; Automatic matching of similar gobos across different fixture types; Time-controlled triggering of the flash and preset buttons; Fixture FLIP function, for reversing the beam order; Fixture SPLIT function, for splitting multi-FX bars; Project & fixture backup with the WTOOLS app; Offline 3D visualization with Easy View & WTOOLS via USB (add-on required)*; Automatically restore the active project (no need to save manually); Importing different fixture setups into the same project; Note: *Some features require an additional purchase, available through the WTOOLS app; Technical data:; Housing: ABS plastic, powder-coated steel base plate with 100mm VESA; Screen: 4.3″ color TFT with tinted glass, capacitive touch; Audio: Electret microphone with omnidirectional characteristic, 3.5mm jack line-in; DMX: 2x 3pin DMX OUT XLR connections, 1x 5pin DMX OUT XLR connection, 1x 5pin DMX IN/OUT, B-Stock with full warranty, may have slight traces of use
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